Slipping me away from you
"Oh it doesn't matter how you hide
Find you if we're wanting to
So slide back down and close your eyes
Sleep a while
You must be tired... "

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gold Star

Let me just stick it on your big fat forehead so it's out in the open.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The last time I checked the clock, it was 2:56.
I haven't looked at it since, but I know time has passed.
I'm laying in the dark, but I've been in the dark for so much longer than tonight.
Hands reach down for me and I decline them. I have to get up myself.
My eyes are wide open, and yet I can't see anything in front of me.
Your face comes through though, and it wouldn't matter if my eyes were open or closed.
Burning, ripping your way into my thoughts, igniting the dark.
The last time I checked the clock, it was 2:56.
I won't check it again.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meet Me Across the Seas

I found your picture on a shelf in an antique store, and now I'm looking for more.